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Jim - W1PID
Place Railroad Station in NH
W5OC - Dave - Walter Hall Park in League City, TX EL29
Elecraft KX2, Linked Dipole up
15’, 5W CW/20m
N2TNN - Dean
- Ware, VA
With Danny Wright, KW4LQ getting
the antenna tuned for the TR45 Xcvr.
K3RLL - Don -
Near the summit in Distant,
PA ~ 1,450'
KX-1, PFR-3, 1300 mAh LiPO, Code Warrior
Jr. 20-30-40m Jumper dipole,
Crappie Pole
& HB Tripod using a 'Gravel in Milk Bottle' Anchor Weight
K3JZD - Jody
- Oak Hollow Park in North
Huntington, PA
KX3 with a Sloped 53' EFRW in Tree
(Pillowcase on Trekking Poles shaded the
- Greg
- On a cliff 300 feet above the Pacific Ocean.
Enjoying operating FOBB for first time and attempting CW for the first time in over 5 decades. With a great view from my location.
Xiegu G90 set for 5W and a resonant V-dipole antenna
with a 40 meter loading coil, and CW Morse key stuck by
magnets to the top of Xiegu G90.
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